Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Why do people steal?

I asked daddy a question the other day. Why would people want to steal your bike? I think theres a reason they steal. They use it to buy drugs instead of toys and stuff for the kids.


  1. This is a very good question, Cole, because that is one of God's ten commandments, "Thou shall not steal". I think a lot of people are greedy and jealous. They want what other people have and are not willing to work and make the money to buy it for themselves. I agree they might want the money from selling it to buy drugs or other bad things that will only hurt their bodies. There will always be sin in the world, and people who will do wrong things; but they will also have to answer that question for God someday about "?why?" they did it. If you are in doubt about doing something, and you really don't feel very good inside about doing it, then it is probably the wrong thing to do and will not be very pleasing to God either. He has given us great minds to think about wonderful ideas, and He never wanted us to hurt other people by stealing. That makes God sad. Always do the right thing, and He will be very happy! I love you. MiMi

  2. I hope you have had a good week at school and had fun riding your bike some more this week, too. The more you practice riding it, the better you will get. Talk with you later! Love, MiMi
